Steve Snyder, the CEO of the company has alsways had a policy with his customers, that if they buy a product from him and it does not sell as they would have liked, he will buy his own product back from them. Today 21st Century recieved a notification that Petsmart was returning $250,000 worth of product. Some of it because it expired and did not sell, but most of it, just to be repackaged into different boxes and sent back to their company. So my job is to process all of the procucts individually to make sure they are sending back everything they say they are. That way we can reimburse the company for the correct amount. There are many steps in doing returns that have to be followed. First, I have to separate each individual product. Then, separate each product into their specific lot number on the bottle. Then, finally, log each individual product and separate lot number into the computer. This will tell us if they have sent back rthe correct number of products or not. When putting the products into the computer, I have to write down the procuct name, the UPC number, the specific lot number, the expiration date and the amount of that lot number in the return. This is done for every product. Petsmart returned 51 pallets worth of product.

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