First thing in the morning, the COO asked me to run him over to the dealership to pick up his car. Later I worked with sales and marketing on what is call the planagram room. This is a room full of samples of every product we make and sell. When a costomer makes and order, we have a four foot by seven shelf display that is used to put up samples of every product they ordered. That way, if they come to the company to look at the labels and bottles, we have them all laid out in alphabetical order for them to see. My job today is to re-organize the planagram room and all the shelves with the different orders. This means I am handed an order sheet and have to go through and clear off all the shelves before I can begin. I look at all the samples and throw out all that are expired. Then, I take the order sheet and put three to six samples of each individual product that is being ordered on the shelf. By the time I am finished, I have put up 300 different products, at three to six a piece and it has taken me six hours of work. the work is not hard, but it is very time consuming.

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